Saturday 27 April 2013

How to Cosplay (sort of) Part 1

My friends and I are in Calgary for the Calgary Expo and we got a little time to take cosplay photos. Julia is the Dalek and Steph is cosplaying as a version of Navi. I have been delegated to photographer/make-up artist for today. More cosplay photos are to come later!! 

Sunday 31 March 2013

How To: Begin?

Well then...
Here we go...
Start typing...
Come on...

Let's begin with the title of this blog. Being a Person: a How-to Guide. I should begin by saying that this title does not mean that I think that I am the epitome of all human beings. Because I'm not, far from it, really. This "how-to guide" is mostly to embrace those flaws that I have, or that others have. I'm not in existence to pick out everything that's wrong with you. This is a how-to guide to be a person. I never said that anyone would walk away after reading this and be more successful, or happier, or kinder, or more efficient, or a better cook. I'm not bettering you here. Like most things seventeen-year-olds do, I'm doing this for myself, if you're reading this, it was probably an accident. That, or you're my mom. If it's not that and you intend to read what's to come as well, then you're just along for the ride.

With that out of the way, the name of the actual url of this blog is mean, because at this point I cannot even spell it myself. Hopefully you got here by way of a link somewhere. Ursus Inopinatus is a type of bear (bears happen to be my favourite animal) and the cool thing about the ursus inopinatus is that it hasn't actually been seen alive. People speculate that it was kind of like a liger in that it was a grizzly bear - polar bear hybrid (not a lion - tiger hybrid). The name is actually disputed but I liked it because they originally named it the "ancient unexpected bear". I really like bears and I'm just really nerdy sometimes. It's also known as MacFarlane's Bear...because of the naturalist who had been given the bones & skin of the bear by inuit hunters or something. So when you look up MacFarlane's Bear "TED" shows up. I will not give Seth MacFarlane credit for actually knowing that because that bear was a TEDDY bear. People aren't idiots.

BEDA! Okay, so BEDA is Blog Everyday in April (or in August), that was for if you're similar to my mother and don't know what the internet is. Sorry that was mean. But I was thinking of doing that. SO. If you read this very first post ever chances are that you will have figured out whether or not I actually decided to write a blog post that no one but my mom will read everyday for an entire month.

That's all folks...